Topic outline

  • The Certificate of Completion Award is available to any participants who successfully complete the MARIWEL online examination.

    The tests can be taken from any safe and secure environment with a desktop/laptop and a stable internet connection.

    Module 1 and Module 3 are assessed by 35 questions. Module 2 is assessed by 50 questions. At least 65% of the marks must be achieved in each test in order to pass.  There are six question types: Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True and False, Fill-in-the-Blank, Drag and Drop, and Matching Drop and Down. The 35 questions are randomly drawn from different topics within each Module. Please note there are more than one (1) correct answers for Multiple Response type questions. You are required to select all correct answers. There will be no negative marking for the wrong answers.

    Once again, the participant must obtain at least a 65% score in each of the assessments to PASS

    There are two grades, PASS or FAIL. Should you not succeed on the first attempt, you may re-take it once more. If you do not succeed on the second attempt, you need to pay the exam fee again to be able to undertake the assessment(s) again.

    Please note:

    1. There is NO time limit once you start the assessment.

    2. You need to finish the assessment once you start it. An aborted assessment counts as one (1) attempt.

    3. You should PASS all three Module assessments to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion.

    4. To familiarize yourself with the type of assessment questions, please take a test assessment available here.

    Please contact should you have any further questions.

    Good luck with your examination!

    Best regards
    Faculty Support
    MARIWEL Programme